
Huffington Post Promting Biometric ID Cards

"The notion that enhanced paper-based ID cards might solve such problems as employment of undocumented aliens, transportation vulnerability, or identity theft are based on illusions that yesterday's obsolete technology can be effectively used to solve tomorrow's problems.

The first illusion is that we can establish the identity of an individual with paper-based documents like driver's licenses, passports, or any other form of ID card. But the fact is that IDs are not worth the paper they are printed on. Efforts to make driver's licenses more secure with 'Real ID' start by assuming continued use of obsolete technology when they should be asking what technology is appropriate to solve a larger problem. Proposals to expand use of IDs in other areas have the same weakness.

The science of verifying the identity of individuals by relying on paper-based technology is inexact at best. Any form of ID is subject to fraud or mistake in its creation, in its use, or in its review. It is unreliable when all concerned act in good faith, and near worthless when any act in bad faith, which is the main reason we have looked to IDs to begin with." ...more