
The Real Truth Concerning How The Earth Is Ruled

It truly amazes me when people continue to think in terms of Democrat, Republican or left-wing and right-wing. Why? Both carefully created polarities are financed, controlled and operated by the same oligarchical globalist order which has been patiently constructing and deconstructing nations, states, wars, famines, stock market rises and crashes for quite some centuries now. The modern twentieth and twenty-first century organs of this group are known to anyone who cares to do even the most basic research on the subject. The plans for global dictatorship have already been well-documented by a number of important white papers from organizations such as The Council on Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, The Lucis Trust, and other similar organizations.
The ultimate goal is the creation of a one-world government and religious system sustained and supported by a uniform monetary base. ...more