
Got you, under the skin - Telegraph

Old people will be implanted with microchips to remind them to take their medicine, according to a vision of the future conjured up by Ofcom, the communications regulating quango.

It won't end at that. We already see cats and dogs verified as rabies-free by chips implanted beneath their skin.

For humans it might sound quite handy to be reminded by an implant to take one's library book back or to send a birthday card to a niece. But what if the taste of the medicine is less welcome and the computer chip keeps buzzing away until you've swallowed it all?

In one of the more nannyish Scandinavian states, there used to be a system making it impossible to buy alcohol unless one's income tax was paid up to date. Such an arrangement would be child's play to a well-programmed implant.

So unless state ID schemes are resisted today, tomorrow you'll have had your chips....source