
We are sleepwalking as our freedoms are eroded

We have become a nation of sleepwalkers and our rulers are the soundest sleepers of all.

The latest and greatest danger to the freedoms for which the English fought - from Magna Carta in 1215, through the Glorious Revolution of 1688 to the libertarian reforms of the 1960s that permitted people their sexual privacy - is the DNA database that, every hour, adds to a police computer file around 150 genetic fingerprints of the guilty, the suspected and mostly the innocent.

No other country in the world has such a large DNA database on its people and among the 4.5million already recorded are 150,000 under-16s.

The question is, do we care? During ten years of Labour government our liberties have been stamped on repeatedly, and yet there is little public outcry. We are sleepwalking as our freedoms are eroded | the Daily Mail